Share Sheets - Now OS X will have the useful share Sheets.It will even have a Gesture that will pull up the Notification Center just like on iOS 5, which is done by swiping two fingers to the left.
It will have notifications about your Mac and Mac Apps, along with your other iDevices that have iCloud set up. You can also create a note and cut it out and place it on your desktop just like Sticky Notes from Windows 7. It will use iCloud to sync your notes to all your devices. It will use iCloud to sync reminders to all your devices. It will pop up reminders at you from both your Mac and other iDevices. You will be able to send and receive messages for free from your Mac.
It will be using it for iMessages, Reminders, Game Center, Mail, Notes, and many other features.
It still uses the Aqua user interface, as well as the steel window color. The appearance of Mountain Lion is essentially the same as Lion and Snow Leopard.